1) Analyse zur Identifikation von Wachstumsblockaden (Analysebreite bzw. -tiefe anpassbar an den konkreten Bedarf):
interne gesamtheitliche Unternehmensanalyse
interne Analyse einzelner Bereiche (z.B. Marketing, Vertrieb, Finanzen)
externe Umfeld-/Markt-/Wettbewerbsanalyse
2) Ausarbeitung und Definition konkreter Maßnahmen und Handlungsempfehlungen
3) Initiieren der Implementierungsprojekte sowie Übergabe ans Team und schrittweiser Ausstieg
Analysis & Implementation
1) Internal company analysis (or analysis of dedicated divisions, such as sales, marketing, finance, etc.) and external market analysis to identify growth obstacles
2) Development and definition of concrete measures and recommendations for action
3) Initiation through to complete realisation of the implementation projects – depending on the client's request
Interim manager & sparring partner
Temporary sparring partner for founders (team) at eye level for day-to-day operations and/or strategic considerations:
No lengthy onboarding, as start-up experienced, instead active and hands-on in the "engine room" from day one
"Task force": concrete, implementable action recommendations based on solid analyses
Quickly measurable successes: rapid implementation of measures (quick wins)
No management of the status quo or procrastination, but initiating and implementing change
Straight-forward simplifying, grounded: no "bells and whistles", no "PowerPoint slide battles", no exuberant, expensive "consulting gibberish"
No "classic" consulting, but focus on execution and implementation
Direct & open feedback – even if it hurts
Neutral & independent: my sole goal is the company's success and that is what I work towards. Personal interests do not interest me.
No long-term consulting project with countless consulting days
High flexibility for the client (quick-in & quick-out)
Risk-free start with pilot project - in case of satisfactory results the project is expanded and/or prolonged
Always formed a co-leadership in the role of COO/CFO/Managing Director with the respective CEO/founder in several B2B SaaS startups
Scaling (in 4 years): 500% increase in turnover and employee growth from 15 to 100+
Fundraising: management, execution and conclusion of various types of financing (seed, bridge, series-B, subsidy programmes, mezzanine)
Internationalisation: establishment and management of international locations to serve foreign markets
Restructuring: cost-cuts, employee layoffs
Education: Graduate in Business Administration (FH) and Advertising Management (IHK)
Generalist: 25 years of broad international professional experience in various B2C/B2B industries, start-ups, corporations
International residence and work locations: Germany, South Africa (1 year Johannesburg), Austria (12 years Vienna)
Successful in both small organizations/start-ups and corporate structures
Entrepreneur: 5+ years of self-employment and 11+ years of start-up / scale-up
Team player: cooperative leadership style with a strong sense of justice
If more in-depth sector analyses are required, we call on experts with the relevant specialist knowledge.
Grünwald, Germany
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